Belgian Coast Swim

What is Belgian Coast Swim

Belgian Coast Swim is a swim from Nieuwpoort to Oostende, or from Oostende to Nieuwpoort (approximately 16 km, with the current helping). The swimmer receives a "gift" of about 2 km/h from the current, in addition to their own swimming speed. You swim solo! A boat and team will be provided to support you, similar to a classic ultra swim, with officials present to officially document your journey. You can also swim in a relay, dividing the distance between 2 or 3 swimmers, each swimming around 8 km individually. Other formats are possible-please contact us at for more information.

Take the challenge

Nieuwpoort - Oostende / Oostende - Nieuwpoort

16 km swim in the Nord Sea


16 kilometer (solo)

Duo: 330 euro, trio: 270 euro. Price per person.

 € 450

30 kilometer


 € 900

67 kilometer

Whole coast, solo

 € 2.000

Timing 2025

19-20 June 2025

23-24 June 2025

19-24 July 2025

2-7 August 2025

18-22 August 2025

2-5 September 2025

Weather window

For activities at sea, flexibility is required from swimmers since the weather plays a crucial role and, unfortunately, is not very predictable. We therefore ask you to keep the chosen time slot completely free, increasing your chances of actually being able to swim. Swimmers will always be notified 72 hours before their departure. You can refuse your start, but you will then move to the back of the list, reducing the likelihood of swimming during your chosen time slot. Always plan for a backup slot as well, as the weather can remain unfavorable for extended periods, preventing us (or all swimmers) from starting.

We will always review these arrangements with the swimmers involved, but please keep in mind that undertaking this activity requires some flexibility in your schedule.


Participation in Relay

Minimum of 2 km swum during an open water competition or a minimum of 3 km in open water training. Alternatively, you can present a finish in an official half-triathlon event.

Individual participation

Minimum of 5 km swum during an open water competition or a minimum of 7 km in open water training. Alternatively, you can present a finish in an official full-triathlon event.

Without wetsuit?

Those wishing to swim without a wetsuit must also provide a result (as mentioned above) achieved without a wetsuit. This can also be done in the lead-up to the Belgian Coast Swim. Otherwise, swimming will be done with a wetsuit.

Medical certificate

Athletes must demonstrate that they are in good health (a health certificate from a sports doctor or a triathlon/open water license).


Participants are expected to prepare thoroughly for this challenge and also train in the sea. For this reason, we ask that you train with us at least twice, including at least one sea training session, so we can assess your knowledge and experience with sea swimming.

Group training

We train in open water at least twice a month throughout the year. After completing your registration payment, you can join these sessions free of charge.


1. What Are Time Slots?

or the standard route of the Belgian Coast Swim (16 km), we always choose to swim with the current. This means we are automatically tied to the tide and, more specifically, to the tidal turn. The tidal turn is the moment when the current changes direction. Along the Belgian coast, there is a current flowing towards France and another towards the Netherlands, and we aim to take full advantage of these.

Note that this is different from the times of high water (HW) and low water (LW). In the North Sea, the tidal turn typically occurs about 3 hours after HW or LW. This, combined with the starting location, determines the time slots.

Additionally, we strive to organize our routes as efficiently and ecologically as possible. Therefore, we select days that allow us to swim safely and smoothly (minimizing swimming/boating in the dark) between Nieuwpoort and Oostende, and back..

2. How Do I Choose My Time Slot?

Check the website to see which time slots you can fully keep free for swimming (reserve an entire slot! Be sure to also select a second slot as a backup!).

Once you've shared your preference with us, you will be added to the list. The schedule is created in the order of registration/time slot selection. Each day within a time slot, two swimmers can start: one swims towards Oostende, and the other swims back towards Nieuwpoort.

For example, if this is the list of registrations in order of submission for July 19 to 24:







Then Jan and Vicky would start on July 19, Paul and Dirk on July 20, and so on.

If bad weather prevents swimming on July 19, Jan and Vicky will move to July 20, and Paul and Dirk will start on July 21, and so on. We always respect the registration order, adjusting as needed if weather conditions don't allow the event to proceed.

If you choose not to start, your spot will go to the next swimmer. For example, if Jan cannot swim on July 19, Vicky moves to the first position, and Paul can also start that day. Jan will then be placed at the end of the list for that time slot.

It's essential to keep the entire time slot free, as this increases your chances of swimming during your chosen slot. Given the quickly changing weather conditions at sea, safety is always our top priority


3. Why Are We So Dependent on the Weather, and Why Should I Choose More Than One Time Slot?

On the water, especially at sea, the weather—specifically the wind—is our most crucial factor. Wind can create waves that make swimming unsafe. This assessment can only be made a few days before the start of the swim. While this is more extreme than pool swimming or swimming in inland waters, safety remains our highest priority.

The AllCover Coast Swim is a solo swim (even in a relay, swimmers take turns), similar to channel swimming. Here, too, safety is our top priority, as following and supporting multiple swimmers simultaneously is much more challenging. There is additional marine traffic, and our full attention is focused on one swimmer. This makes for a unique experience, but in rough seas, it can feel very overwhelming.

To ensure this is a positive experience, we carefully select favorable days for your swim. This requires flexibility not only from our team but also from the swimmer. By providing not one but two time slots, we significantly increase your chances of swimming in good conditions


4. What Does a 16 km Belgian Coast Swim Cost?

Last year, the actual cost per swimmer was €592.87. However, as a swimmer, you only pay €450. To put this into perspective, a channel crossing (e.g., the English Channel) can easily cost €5,000. In other words, with the help of a dedicated team of volunteers and sponsors, we do our utmost to keep Belgium's only ultra swim accessible and affordable for everyone.

5. What Is Included in the Cost for the Belgian Coast Swim?

The fee covers several essential expenses:

  • Boat Rental and Fuel: We rent a boat and cover its fuel costs.
  • Volunteer and Skipper Compensation: Volunteers and the skipper receive a small expense allowance.
  • Equipment and Supplies: This includes materials used during the swim, as well as food and drinks for the crew and swimmer.

Volunteers, like the swimmers, dedicate an entire time slot and spend a long day at sea on a voluntary basis. A minimum team of four people is required to safely guide one swimmer from Nieuwpoort to Oostende.

Our goal is to provide every swimmer with an experience comparable to a channel crossing, making this event an ideal preparation for such endeavors. However, supporting a solo swimmer in open sea involves numerous challenges and strict safety regulations.

For example:

  • Officials follow the swimmer at all times.
  • Someone is always assigned to watch the swimmer.
  • Close monitoring of surrounding boat traffic is essential.

This requires a significant team effort and attention to detail, with specific roles for officials, support crew, and navigators.

Despite these complexities, we can offer this experience for just €450! This also includes:

  • Beautiful photos as souvenirs.
  • Various product packages for use during the swim, training, and recovery, thanks to our sponsors.

This swim is not just a unique adventure but also a well-supported and memorable event!

6. What Does the Day of My Swim Look Like?

The exact timings and schedule will be communicated 72 hours in advance and depend largely on weather conditions. However, the general structure of the day is as follows:

  • Start Location:
    The first swimmer starts in Nieuwpoort and finishes in Oostende. We meet at the Nieuwpoort Marina (VYNieuwpoort).

  • Pre-Swim Briefing:
    Before departure, there is a short briefing with the entire team (official, skipper, coach, swimmer, etc.). You may bring your own support person, though this is not mandatory. Facilities such as changing rooms and restrooms are available before departure.

  • Boat to the Start Point:
    We travel by boat to the starting location (determined by GPS coordinates). The official will explain the rules and give the start signal.

  • During the Swim:
    The boat stays ahead of the swimmer (positioned to your left or right, depending on your breathing side) from start to finish. The swimmer simply follows the boat. While we aim to navigate in a straight line, swimmers sometimes drift off course, requiring the crew to guide them back.

    • Your orientation and swimming technique (how straight you swim and how well you follow the boat) directly affect the swim's efficiency and your time. Swimmers occasionally finish with slightly more than 16 km due to orientation challenges or drifting during feeding stops caused by wind and waves.
  • Safety and Feeding:
    The swimmer is continuously monitored for safety, as the swim takes place in a recreational boating zone. You decide how often you want to feed, and we provide everything as requested. We always carry Etixx products, but you are free to use your preferred nutrition. The official ensures the swim adheres to MSF rules.

  • Finish Line:
    The boat positions itself crosswise at the finish point (again determined by GPS coordinates) to mark the endpoint. The swimmer finishes by touching the boat.

  • Transition at Oostende:
    After finishing, the first swimmer disembarks in Oostende. The second swimmer boards and swims back to Nieuwpoort in the opposite direction.

Can the Swim Be Stopped After Starting?
Yes, the organization can stop the swim at any time for safety reasons. Examples include:

  • Health Concerns: If the swimmer's health deteriorates and it's no longer safe to continue.
  • Thunderstorms: If thunderstorms threaten, the swimmer will be immediately pulled from the water to avoid the risk of electrocution.
  • MRCC Orders: If the Maritime Rescue and Coordination Center (MRCC) instructs the organization to halt the swim.

Safety always remains the top priority during the event.


Coaching - general

Marieke Blomme

+32(0)498 59 41 45

Logistics - admin - general

Stephanie Smet

+32(0)475 41 22 07

Register for the waiting list here

Book your session in time. We will confirm your booking via email.